This 4-week series can be taken as a course or as individual classes. Beginners and intermediate students are welcome.
Join Missy as we delve deep into the world of self-care through medicinal plants. Herbalism is rich in tools to support the emotions, the nervous system, and the heart, and these tools can be used by all of us with some basic and empowering education. We'll cover how to use plants found in our bioregion to take our emotional well-being into our own hands, where to find them, and what contraindications exist for each herb.
Every week, we'll focus on a category of herbs -- nerve tonics, uplifting herbs, sleep support, and more -- and make a different kind of plant medicine to enjoy together or to take home. Hands-on, experiential learning will go hand-in-hand with cozy "classroom-style" interaction. Those new to herbalism are welcome, as are herbalists with some experience under their belt. This class is not anti-medication; we will cover herbs that can be used concurrently with prescriptions.
Class will be held on four Wednesdays, November 15 - December 6, from 10am-1pm in SE Portland. The course is $175 for all four sessions; individual classes are available at a $50 drop-in rate.