Missy will be teaching a three-class series focused on herbalism in the context of social justice. These are perfectly suited for activists and others who are curious about herbalism and want to know ways to use medicinal plants in their everyday lives. Come for one class or all three!
Register for each class by clicking on the links below.
Herbal First Aid for the Streets & the Home
The Herb Shoppe (3912 N Mississippi)
$25 advance, $30 at the door
Whether you're planning on protesting fervently in 2017, or you're bracing for the possibility of losing your health insurance, now is a great time to learn about herbs for basic wound care. Missy will talk about tried and true medicinal plants to speed wound healing and ways to prevent infection. We'll also cover some basic protest safety tips and talk about a few easy-to-use remedies to add to your personal first aid kit.
Emotional Care for the Long Haul
The Herb Shoppe (3912 N Mississippi)
$25 advance, $30 at the door
The struggle for social justice is vital and empowering! However, it can also be heartwrenching and at times even traumatizing. Lucky for us, there are a lot of useful medicinal plants that can help lift the spirits, support the nervous system, and calm anxiety and stress. In this class, Missy will talk about effective and gentle botanical remedies to add to your self-care toolkit. We'll sample tinctures and discuss other good ways to use herbs.
Medicine Can Be Free!
Missy's home (SE Portland)
$25 advance; registration required
One of the most empowering things about herbalism is that, with little bit of knowledge and skill, you can find yourself surrounded by a free pharmacy full of botanical medicines! In this class, Missy will introduce you to a number of weedy and prolific medicinal plants, covering how and why to use them. We'll sample some teas and tinctures and leave with ideas for how to work with medicinal plants on a tight budget.